Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Ingres The Source painting

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Ingres The Source painting
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Ingres Venus Anadyomene painting
Email your family and friends and tell them about your goal and ask them to keep you accountable. Email them regular updates, and tell them about your progress when you see them. * Post your goal on your blog and post regular updates. It’s important that you not just post the goal but also stay accountable with the updates. Encourage people to ask you about your goal if you don’t report your progress. * Join an online forum related to your goal — I’ve done this when I quit smoking and also when I started
Alphonse Maria Mucha Spirit of Spring painting
running. Introduce yourself, make friends, tell them about your goal, ask for help when you need it, and report your successes and failures. * Write a regular column in a publication on your goal. I did this when I ran my first marathon, for my local newspaper. It created a lot of positive public pressure — everywhere I went, people would say, “Hey, you’re that marathon guy! How’s the running going?” Of course, not everyone can write a column for a newspaper, but you could do it for a group blog or a newsletter or some other type of publication.

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