Monday, December 29, 2008

Bouguereau The Holy Family

Bouguereau The Holy FamilyBouguereau A Soul in HeavenBouguereau The Newborn LambBouguereau Evening Mood
When the next logical step was taken—using the technique with human cells—researchers were off to the races.
Two groups announced stunning breakthroughs within weeks of each other this year. The first group derived iPS cells from the skin Ignoring the lure of stem cells, another group of researchers demonstrated that one does not need them to produce various mature cell types; instead, they forced mature cells to change their form and function. Working with live mice, an American research team demonstrated that pancreatic exocrine cells can be forced to function as beta cells. Using a trio of viruses as theirof an elderly woman suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease). They then directed the cells to develop into neurons and glia, two of the cell types most affected by ALS. Shortly after this announcement, a second group reported the creation of patient-specific iPS cell lines for 10 additional diseases. Many of these 10 disease are not well suited, or even possible, to study via animal models. gene delivery vectors, the