Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pop art long stage ray

Pop art long stage rayPop art lazy afternoonPop art king elvis on redPop art kim gordon on bluePop art green on green
whinnied softly, turned, and galloped down the street, toward the forest...
Nanny Ogg appeared silently behind Granny Weatherwax as she watched it go.
“Silver shoes?” she said quietly “They’ll last no time at all.”
“And silver nails. “Are you?”
“Well. . . Mr. Casanunda did ask if I could show him the Long Man. You know. Properly. I suppose it’s him being a dwarf. They’re very interested in earthworks.”
“Can’t get enough of them,” said Casanunda.
Granny rolled her eyes.They’ll last for long enough,” said Granny, speaking to the world in general. “And she’ll never get it back, though she calls it for a thousand years.”“Shoeing the unicorn,” said Nanny, shaking her head.“Only you’d think of shoeing a unicorn, Esme.”“I’ve been doing it all my life,” said Granny.Now the unicorn was a speck on the moorland. As they watched, it disappeared into the evening gloom.Nanny Ogg sighed, and broke whatever spell there was.“So that’s it, then.”“Yes.”“Are you going to the dance up at the castle?”

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