Monday, May 11, 2009

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Beaching the Boat (study)

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Beaching the Boat (study)Joseph Mallord William Turner Mortlake TerraceJoseph Mallord William Turner Rain, Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway
couldn't remember ever having been young. It must have happened thousands of years ago. He was seventy‑nine, but Time in Death's house was a reusable resource.
He was vaguely aware that childhood was a tricky business, especially towards the end. There was all the business with pimples and The Queen doesn't actually have to come around to your actual house, hog the chair and the TV remote control, and issue actual commands about how one is parched and would enjoy a cup of tea. It all takes place automatically, like gravity. Except that, unlike gravity, it needs someone at the top. They don't necessarily have to do a great deal. They just have to be there. They just have to be.bits of your body having a mind of their own. Running the executive arm of mortality was certainly an extra problem.But the point was, the horrible, inescapable point was, that someone had to do it.For, as has been said before, Death operated in general rather than particular terms, just like a monarchy.If you are a subject in a monarchy, you are ruled by the monarch. All the time. Waking or sleeping. Whatever you ‑ or they ‑ happen to be doing.It's part of the general conditions of the situation.

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